Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Another Note

Today I will talk about stories.

I've recently seen some things on a certain website. I won't say what cite *coffdeviantartcoff* but it had stories on it that were... interesting... kinda...

Anyway, a lot of them made very little sense in a geographical and timeline sense. Some stories would talk about being in Maine (America) and then being somewhere in Russia the next day. 
If you've ever flown on a plane before, you know that it'll take one hell of a lot of parking lot blow jobs to make that happen, and I'm not sure if anyone would be willing to do that.

This is where professional novelists do a little something that I like to call "research."

They just look at a map or call a travel agency and ask "How long would it take to get from (insert place name here) to (insert place name here)?"

So if you want to actually make a story somewhat believable then you should actually do some research. It's not that hard.
Or you could just do it the cheap way and make some sort of instantaneous transmission thingy or intergalactical time warp. Yeah, that works too.

The Soap Show

Clean as a whistle Captain!!!!!

And then they all died.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

With Nothing to Write About

When you have nothing to write about, try pulling stuff out of your ass.
It works ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chasing Jackalopes

There are times in a person's life when you should just drop everything and quit.
I'm too stubborn to do that though.
Facing multiple deadlines (which the smart journalist avoids) is basically life and death. In the working world, you'll have to decide weather or not to abandon projects and work on something else.
Well I don't have that option, so I hope those of you who still have hope won't dig your own grave like I did.
Seriously, some stories are more difficult than hunting Jackalopes.

That's right. Jackalopes.