Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Once Again

Here we are sitting in the same old chair doing the same old thing. Not really accomplishing anything. I look around the room and there's not a trace or sign of anything from the old days when we would sit around and chat and make sexual comments about people who may or may not be there. The computer has someone else's name on it. The desk has been cleaned off. The files that I had so carefully stuffed in the drawer are gone. All the notes and files are gone. It's no longer about to burst open, spilling the knowledge from my past out onto the floor.
I don't belong here.
The halls seem different. There is a new life to them. Different from the one I'm used to. Like stepping into someone else's newly cleaned house. I don't want to touch anything because I fear I'll dirty it.
I don't belong here. These aren't my halls. I am not welcomed. I am not a part of this life anymore. I am lonely.


  1. I know how you feel. I've been relegated to the back room to finish my documentary. I have under a week to do it in. Part of me is almost avoiding doing it so I don't have to leave. You are right though, it isn't the same. People change and inside jokes are lost. A lot of us will probably grow apart, and do our own thing. Just know that we'll always have Joey's, LARS, 73% fail, you and ben hayman going to court and getting into a car accident, julie's dad..errr...boyfriend, mike and youtube, E.D. (emily dextraze, get your mind out of the gutter), and hundreds of other great innuendo and farce. You will not be forgotten. I hope you finish the program next year. I really do. I will miss you a lot. I'll try to be home the next time you visit.

    You made quite an impression the first time we spokre, and I will never forget you. Please don't throw a shoe at me for writing this.
