Saturday, January 31, 2009


It's strange.
Whenever I thought about my relatives and people I know dieing, I never felt like crying. Not even shedding a tear.
But now that it's actually happening, it's hard to hold them back.
I've got to stay strong for mom. I can't let her see me cry because then she'll start crying. I rarely ever see her cry but she's not even bothering to try and hold it back as she wanders through the house looking for something to do.
My dad is getting ready to leave for Saint John. He wants to be there when my cousin passes away. He wants to be there when his brother's son dies. I don't even want to imagine what he's going through. I don't know how he's stopping the tears.
And my sister walks around smiling. I just want to smack her but stop myself because she doesn't understand. She can't understand.
My cousin Joe is dying... and he's only twenty-three.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Weird stuff

Well here I am, trying to save my ass from being kicked and such. Just keeping up with my projects and slowly killing myself with stress.
Why? Because the guy I was supposed to interview at 11:30 had to go to Nova Scotia because his daughter had a baby last night. Of course he had no way to contact me. That's my bad. Whatever.
Anyway, besides not being able to find anyone, I decided to spend my time looking up information about the History of the Community College. It started out as an Agricultural and Vocational School. The first in Canada.
And when I go to the Historical Society's website, what do I see?
Restricted: This page is categorized as Pornography.

Anyway, after dieing for a good 20 minutes and comming back to life, I went back and tried again. Then it worked.
"Strange," I thought. "It didn't work the first 18 times."

The point I'm trying to make is that administration is messed up.
They always make decisions without consulting the public first. Take for instance the Student Rep Council (which I am a part of) decided to put up a bunch of posters saying "This building is a public building. Swearing will not be tolerated. Thank you. SRC"

I didn't approve of that! I didn't even vote on that!
We're fuckin' adults and they're telling us to watch our language!
I don't even hear swearing anywhere in the school 95% of the time. There's more swearing on a middle school bus ride than in the entire building.

The next time Administration decides to do something, they should first consult the people it concerns before making a decision.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Major Issues

Well I had just woken up and was walking to school, and what did I see?

Cop cars parked out in the middle of the road. Apparently a guy was shot by an unknown assaliant for unknown reasons.
Now covering a major issue like this is difficult to do. Why? Because the police won't tell you jack shit about what's going on.
You have to know who to talk to and what questions to ask when covering an incident like this.
Always go for the person in charge of the investigation. Never ask that person questions like "Who do you think it is?" Ask him/her questions like "How is the ivestigation going?" or "When did this take place?"
"What happened?" is always a good one.

Open-ended questions can always get you good interviews and quotes.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Multiple deadlines are fun!!!!

When facing multiple deadlines like myself, you must prioritize and do work in a prompt manner.
Unless you are lazy like me.
If you can't find it in yourself to get stuff done, decide which thing/assignment is the most important and work on that. Finish the other stuff whenever.

Occasionally you won't have time to work on multiple things at once. Same as above.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Press Conferences

Today I went to a press conference. I saw several different people from the government including the MLA and MP for our area.
But the story was about the new pizza manufacturing plant comming to Woodstock.
Well I got so caught up in shooting that I forgot to watch the battery.
This can go under the "Shit Happens" category.
Luckily for me the owner is a nice guy. He gave me his adress and number and said that anytime they can call and get an interview.
Not everyone is as nice as him though. Make sure to have extra batteries, don't leave the camera on and choose what you shoot carefully.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Photo Ops

Cameras are nice to have. They're even nicer to have when a car slides off road. Because you'd be surprised how often violence and misfortune make the front page.
Unfortunately, not everyone always has a camera with them. So you can't always be prepared for some horrific accident.
Well don't be too disappointed if you miss a front page shot. Editors would rather have people who can take good shots of news events constantly on their pay role, rather than the one who can get a good shot "occasionally."

Cameo Man >_>

Friday, January 16, 2009

Shit Happens

In the words of the Almighty teacher Paul... Shit Happens. Deal with it.

When cameras freeze up or you forget to press record or something, fix it right away. don't just pray it'll fix itself or wait for a miracle to happen.  

Now... TO WORK!!!!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Well if you've had a week like me, which I kinda hope you did so I don't feel so bad, you might have killed yourself by now.
Firstly, you can't just send out emails expecting people to answer you. Call, call, call.
Why? Because believe it or not, some people don't check their emails.
Secondly, check your sources. If someone tips you off about a certain event, such as a store closing, find out if it is before you pitch it to an editor. Because that store might just turn out to be having a sale.
Thank you Theresa.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well the week is finally underway, and what do I have to do first thing?
I have a video assignment to do. And it's due in a week. (yay, kill me now)

The first thing I have to do is find a story to do. Unfortunately I got nothin' 'cause I've been out of town for christmas break.
First I read the paper but beacuase I can't picture paper stories as video stories, I just asked my radio teacher for help.

Great. Now that she told me a story, I might as well call the people it's about. It's about a certain store closing. This might be a bit difficult.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to the Blog.

I be Bloggin'.

Now what is this blog about and why am I bothering doing this? Well I'm under orders by my Internet Journalism teacher. So I'll be posting about Journalism stuff and the difficulties and thoughts I have about it.

Before I start going into details and stuff, I'd like to say I HATE VIDEO!!!!!!!

It's difficult to do because most people don't want to appear in front of a camera. You'd have better luck with a gun. At least you could threaten to shoot them if they try to run.