Friday, January 30, 2009

Weird stuff

Well here I am, trying to save my ass from being kicked and such. Just keeping up with my projects and slowly killing myself with stress.
Why? Because the guy I was supposed to interview at 11:30 had to go to Nova Scotia because his daughter had a baby last night. Of course he had no way to contact me. That's my bad. Whatever.
Anyway, besides not being able to find anyone, I decided to spend my time looking up information about the History of the Community College. It started out as an Agricultural and Vocational School. The first in Canada.
And when I go to the Historical Society's website, what do I see?
Restricted: This page is categorized as Pornography.

Anyway, after dieing for a good 20 minutes and comming back to life, I went back and tried again. Then it worked.
"Strange," I thought. "It didn't work the first 18 times."

The point I'm trying to make is that administration is messed up.
They always make decisions without consulting the public first. Take for instance the Student Rep Council (which I am a part of) decided to put up a bunch of posters saying "This building is a public building. Swearing will not be tolerated. Thank you. SRC"

I didn't approve of that! I didn't even vote on that!
We're fuckin' adults and they're telling us to watch our language!
I don't even hear swearing anywhere in the school 95% of the time. There's more swearing on a middle school bus ride than in the entire building.

The next time Administration decides to do something, they should first consult the people it concerns before making a decision.

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