Saturday, March 7, 2009


I must say, in this fucked up world filled with racism, violence, death and crappy pop music, I thought there would always be a place where i could go to escape it all.
The depths of my own mind.
Turns out, that's not as safe as I'd like it to be.
These days I end up worrying about things like getting a job, what I'm going to do about school next year and if I should move in with my girlfriend in April.
Then when I retreat into the sanctity of my own mind, I just find out that my subconscious is thinking about all that too. Surprisingly hard o write with all that shit in your brain.
I know what you're thinking. "You have suggestions to solve this Cap'n?"
No. I don't. Just deal with the shit, take it as it comes and pray to God you don't screw up.
ps: It's always nice to have a back-up plan.

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