Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to Write a Paper in Less Than 2 Hours

There are times in everybody's life when they'll wake up from a good night's sleep and suddenly realize that they have a paper due today. Usually most people won't even bother to try and write it by then. However, if they follow these simple steps, then they can easily save themselves from getting a zero.
Firstly, they must not panic. Panicking is the worst thing that anyone could do in this situation.
Second, there must be some kind of topic that they were supposed to write about. They should find out what it is and do some quick research on the topic. This should be done in the span of ten minutes or less.
If they have been able to get this far then they should be well on their way.
The next thing to do is skim the research that has been collected and pick out key points. Things like dates people were born should be included in the paper.
After that is completed, the next thing to do is arrange them in chronological order. If it seems like the paper is jumping all over the place, the teachers will assume it was plagiarized.
Reword the points that were picked out. This will help give direction to where the paper is going.
Next is the most important step there is.
Actually write the paper, but doing it so the points that were picked out work into the story. This is the most time consuming process of all steps. It should take between 45 minutes to one hour.
The key to writing this paper is all in how it sounds when read. The writer should be putting in certain little identifying things that tell teachers that they are writing it.
After the difficult process of writing a paper, read it. Make sure that the words make sense and nothing can confuse the readers. Especially make sure there aren't any repeating sentences in there.
Next, the words themselves must be examined. Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and various repeating words must be corrected or deleted. This is just to help keep the paper from losing marks from grammar related mistakes.
After the paper is finally written and corrected, the next step is to list the sources. These sources are listed inside either a bibliography or works cited page. There is a difference between the two things so find out what it is and which the teacher wants (if any).
The next step is to write a title page.
Find out if the teacher gave any specific title to be used and if there wasn't then make one up. The title should usually have something to do with the main topic in the paper.
Assuming the steps that are listed above have been followed, the next and final step is to format the document.
There are many different kinds of styles or “formats” that papers can follow. The style the teacher prefers should be discovered some way and used.
Formating a paper is actually easy. Just highlight everything, go up to the top of the word document and click on “format.” There should be an option that's called “paragraph.”
Click on the paragraph option and a window will pop up. To put things like “indents” in documents, go to the “special” category and choose first line. To double space a document, simply go down to “line spacing” and choose double space.
After formating the paper it should be completed. Print it or save it to a disk and hand it in.
If all these steps are followed and nothing terribly wrong happens then people should have no problem writing a paper in less than two hours.
Like me ^_^

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