Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why does Journalism suck?

A good question with no real definite answer.
But journalism doesn't really suck. Many time you'll find some useful information in journalistic stories.
There was a time when I was starting to love journalism. But recently I can't stand being in the lab for some reason.
It feels like the lights are always digging into my skull.
Just being in our room makes me feel tired and worn out. I could go somewhere completely energized and get back into the computer lab and, within moments, I feel half dead.
On top of that I've been making more and more mistakes recently. Mistakes that I would never have made in my own room on my own computer. It seems like there is some force in there that can't make me concentrate. Or possibly I'm concentrating too hard now. I've been sitting here typing at forty words a minute without even thinking.
But this isn't the way I should be writing. This isn't what I felt when I wrote my greatest story.
I don't get that chill that I usually do when I write something truly great.
Why does my strength fade?
Why is it so hard to do what I love to do?
Why don't I bring a pencil and notepad into the bathroom when I get practically write an entire story by the time I take a leak? Why?

What the hell was I talking about?


  1. haha I somewhat agree with you...maybe it's the 'Big Macs'...they are pretty intimidating. I can't seem to get work done in that lab either. You are not alone. ...unless there is no one else in the lab, then you are in a huge space and surrounded by those Big Macs, which is a pretty frightening thought. eeee

  2. Sometimes it's a comfort zone issue.

    I surround myself with images that make me feel good in my office.....and with things that are mine. You can't personalize a lab....and maybe that's part of the reason....

    It's not YOUR's this BORROWED space you're expected to create great things in....but if it's not comfortable, great things won't come.
